Our ‘Local Offer’ for Special Educational Needs and Disability

Our ‘Local Offer’ for Special Educational Needs and Disability


The purpose of a local offer is to enable parents and carers to see more clearly what services are available for children with SEND in their area and how to access them. We hope this document provides clear information about what we have already put in place to enable children to achieve their full potential at Threemilestone Preschool.  We work within the guidance of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) and in line with the Special Educational Needs and  Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years. We use these to promote each child’s learning and development.  We regard each child as being unique and endeavour to meet their individual needs.


Aims and Objectives:


  • The Committee and staff will do their best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any child who has special educational needs.  These needs will be made known to all who are likely to work with them by the SENCO/Manager.
  • The Committee and staff of the preschool are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for those children who have special educational needs in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years.
  • We include all children in our provision and make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.
  • We provide practitioners to help support parents and children with special educational needs (SEN)/disabilities.
  • We identify the specific needs of children with SEN/disabilities and meet those needs through a range of strategies.
  • We work in partnership with parents and other agencies in meeting individual children’s needs.
  • We monitor and review our practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.
  • We provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valued.


Responsible Persons:


The responsible persons for SEND are Mrs Tracey Dunstan (SENCO) and Miss Sarah Wallis (Deputy SENCO/Nominated Person)



How does Threemilestone Pre-school know if children need extra help and what should I do, if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?


  • Initially, we encourage parents to visit Threemilestone Preschool with their child and share information with us regarding the strengths and needs of the child to create a positive partnership.  If you have any concerns at this point, about your child’s development, we will discuss this with you and put in place any support required.
  • Families will be supported for as long as it takes for your child to settle.  We want your child to feel happy and safe with us.
  • Each child is allocated a ‘key person’ who works closely with your child and their family.  Through ongoing observation and assessments, linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage,  a learning journal will be produced.  Any possible individual need identified, will then be discussed with you and strategies put in place for your child to achieve their full potential.
  • Before your child’s third birthday, a Two Year Old Progress Check is carried out which will supply parents/carers with a short written summary of their child’s development.
  • Reports from Health Care Professionals may identify a child’s individual needs and we will include these in your child’s learning and development.



How will Threemilestone Pre-school staff support my child and what support will there be for my child’s overall well being?


  • Whilst a ‘key person’ is allocated, all staff support the well being and needs of children in our care. The SENCO works with staff to ensure provision is relevant, appropriate and the curriculum has been adapted to meet each individual child’s needs.
  • Through close relationships with the children and their keyworkers, we make sure that all children feel valued and supported.
  • Our ratios comply with the requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework .
  • Learning journals are produced securely using an electronic system.  Each child's Learning Journal is available for parents/carers to see using their own secure log-in details.  Observations are published as and when written and detail learning achievements linked to the Developmental Matters of the Early Years Foundation Stage.  The system also allows parents to link photos and observations made of activities and events in their own home environment.
  • Threemilestone Pre-school has clear policies and procedures, which are available to read on line, relating to your child’s safety and well being.



How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs and how are resources allocated to meet the requirements of children with Special Educational Needs?



  • Through ongoing assessment, key workers plan for their individual children, based on their interests and next steps, ensuring they can access all areas of the provision.
  • Weekly planning is differentiated to take account of all children’s stages and age of development.
  • Our highly qualified staff team ensures children’s needs are quickly identified and supported and in turn cascaded to parents.
  • Where an identified need has been recognised, we use the ‘graduated response system’ to assess and respond to this by using a step by step approach of intervention levels.
  • The SENCo will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using a written plan.
  • The keyworker will oversee individual targets and monitor progress.
  • New targets will be updated regularly by the SENCo, keyworker and parents relative to  your child’s progress.
  • The SENCo will work with all other staff to ensure implementation of the plan and subsequent continuity of Early Years outcomes by everyone.
  • We regularly review all our equipment to ensure it supports the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • Where necessary we will access additional funding to provide specialist equipment or source them from other professionals when appropriate.


How will both you and I know how well my child is doing and how can I be involved in their learning?


  • Threemilestone Pre-school has an ‘open door’ policy and you are welcome to speak to us at any time about your child’s development.
  • We make sure that parents are informed and included at all stages of assessment, planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluation of your child’s progress.
  • Parent interviews are offered to provide an opportunity to review your child’s progress and learning journal in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. 
  • Where appropriate, Threemilestone Pre-school uses Home/School Communication Diaries providing practitioners and parents the chance to share relevant information daily.
  • We regularly hold ‘Stay and Play’ Days to provide parent’s the opportunity to undertake fun activities with their children and to be involved in their learning.
  • Photograph evidence of children’s achievements are used to enhance our Learning Journals.
  • We produce a monthly Newsletter to inform parents of our successes as well as giving useful and relevant information relating to all aspects of our setting.   The Newsletter is posted on our Web Site together with any changes in our policies and procedures.
  • We value all parents views and opinions.  We carry out an Annual Questionnaire asking for feedback on our provision so that we can improve our working practice by evaluating these results.
  • We encourage parents to share their interests and skills within the setting for the benefit of all children.

What staff training is in place to support children with SEND?


  • Our SENCo and Deputy have completed specific SENDCo training and also attend network meetings each term to keep up-to-date with current policies and procedures and to cascade this information to all staff.
  • All staff, as part of their Continuing Professional Development, undertake training to support all children’s needs.
  • Specific training is matched to an individual child’s needs and staff will attend further courses if required.
  • Training opportunities provided by other professionals for individual children are welcomed.


What specialist services and expertise is available at or accessed by Threemilestone Pre-school?


  • Over the years, the SENCO and Deputies have gained valuable experience in dealing with children with Special Educational Needs and meeting those requirements.  This has included the successful implementation of Educational Health Care Plans.
  • Threemilestone Pre-school because of this experience, has gained a good reputation for providing a high level of support for children with Special Educational Needs.
  • The SEND team have attended Team Around the Child Meetings and are happy to act as Lead Professionals if requested by parents.
  • We have formed close links with outside agencies including the Locality Area SENCO , Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Autism Workers and the Child Development Centre based at Treliske, Truro.


How accessible is Threemilestone Pre-school and how will my child be included in all activities?


  • Threemilestone Pre-school is 'wheelchair friendly', with disabled access to main building and outside garden and is therefore accessible to all children.
  • We will make changes or adapt our facilities, if needed and in line with, an appropriate risk assessment.
  • Resources are easily accessible to all children when participating in 'self-chosen' play.
  • Any outside trips undertaken are in line with the statutory requirements of the Early Years Framework.
  • We support families whose first language is not English.  Where necessary additional support from outside agencies is sourced to ensure an inclusive practice.


How will Threemilestone Pre-school prepare and support my child to join the setting and transfer to a new setting/school?


  • We want children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents and to recognise staff as a source of help and friendship as well as authority.
  • We aim to make the setting a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily in line with our Settling-in Policy.
  •  Consideration is given to the individual needs and circumstance of each child and their family.
  • Threemilestone Pre-school offers an Enrolment Evening whereby parents and children are invited to meet all the staff, view our facilities and receive our Prospectus and Enrolment Pack.
  • A keyworker system is operated in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements to ensure parents are regularly informed of how their child has settled and to discuss any concerns.
  • Threemilestone Pre-school is situated in the grounds of Threemilestone Primary School and over the years we have developed strong links with the Head Teacher, supporting staff and School SENDCo.
  • We invite receiving schools/settings to visit our Pre-school to familiarise and observe the children and to share information in partnership with parents.
  • We regularly accompany the children on visits to Threemilestone School throughout the year such as attending the Harvest Festival and school plays.
  • Transition meetings are held with the receiving schools.
  • Individual Transition meetings are held if necessary, with the parents, pre-school staff and other relevant professionals to ensure continuity of care and familiarisation of individual needs.
  • With parental permission, we share all documentation such as Health Care Plans, Early Years Assessments and observations.
  • During the summer term activities are organised to prepare all children for the transition to school such as changing for PE, eating whole fruit and photo displays of their new environment and teachers.
  • For those children requiring additional support for the transition to primary education, a Transition book detailing pictorial photographs of their new environment and teachers is also provided.  This helps to facilitate discussions with parents and their child during the summer holidays.





Who do I contact for further information?



  • Your child's keyworker is always available for advice and support in the first instance.
  • Our SENCo and Deputy SENCo's are always available to offer support and advice.
  • We can sign-post parents to other professional services such as support groups and Family Information Services that may be able to help.
  • If your child's need has been referred to a specific team, we will be able to support parents in accessing their services.
  • Threemilestone Pre-school has developed a strong team of staff who are held in high regard by other professionals in being able to deliver additional support to enable children to flourish and reach their full potential.


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